

[新しいコレクション] 50/20/30 budget 309756-50/20/30 budgeting worksheet

The 50//30 budget rule is the most talked about method when it comes to managing your finances, and some people swear by it because it's an easytofollow method when it comes to managing expenses across your wants, needs and savings50/30/ Budget Categories 50% Essential Expenses The 50/30/ budget puts 50% of your monthly income straight towards the things you can't live without These include things like your mortgage/rent, utilities (heat, water, electricity), food, and transportation *Many finance bloggers will sneak a cell phone bill into this categoryThe rule is a money management technique that divides your paycheck into three categories 50% for the essentials, % for savings and 30% for everything else If the budget doesn't fit your lifestyle, try one of these instead While it might be easy to remember, the rule isn't always easy to live by 3 50/20/30 budgeting worksheet